Background: As the field of health policy continues to evolve and grow, it is important to examine the trend of scientific output generated in this domain. Scientific outputs can also be used to evaluate academic progress of the field in each country or over a given period of time. Objective: Aim of this study is to depict trend of publication on topics of health policy world-wide and to highlight contribution of Iran in this field. Methods: The web of science database was used to identify all relevant published papers worldwide The search was conducted on documents published from January 1898 to December 2013. The criteria for retrieval were set to be health policy in topics. Then the retrieved papers were filtered in terms of distinct years, countries, source titles, and languages. Results: Findings revealed an increasing trend of publication on health policy over past decades. English was the first most dominant language of publication. USA had the highest number of publication with 5347 papers; however Switzerland ranked first after considering publication number in terms of countries population. BMJ was the source title with highest number of publication on topics of health policy. Number of publication by Iranian authors was 87 from January 1898 to December 2013. Conclusion: It seems discipline of health policy has started its evolution worldwide long time ago while Iran is in its initial phases
Key words: Health Policy, Scientific Production, Scientometrics