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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2015; 26(96): 59-90

Understanding Developments in Current Accounts and Financial Flows in Light of Discussions on Global Imbalances and Recent Crises

Hasan Cömert, Güney Düzçay.

Cited by 3 Articles

This study discusses the implications of developments in current account and financial accounts for both developed and developing countries with a specific reference to the global imbalances debate. There are two main arguments of the study. First, it may be misleading to focus on net capital flows or/and current accounts in order to detect the external sources of the last global crisis. In relation to this, a gross flow approach incorporated into the Minsky-Kindleberger model may be a more useful way of explaining the external sources of the last global crisis. Second, current accounts and net capital flows are much more relevant indicators for developing countries compared to their meaning in advanced countries. Although gross flows gains importance in countries with relatively developed financial markets, net financial flows would be better proxies for external sources of fragilities for developing countries due to the key roles played by exchange rates and reserve accumulation in these countries under the current global financial order.

Key words: Global Imbalances, Current Accounts, Capital Flows, Minsky-Kindleberger Approach, Developing Countries. JEL Classification: F32, F41 F44, B5.

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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