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Case Report

RMJ. 2015; 40(2): 240-243

Obstructive uropathy in penile metastasis from lung carcinoma in a circumscribed Omani male

Muhammad Furrukh, Shiyam Kumar, Ritu Lakhtakia.


Incidence of primary penile malignancy or metastatic involvement by a malignant process is exceedingly rare. We report a case of circumscribed Omani male, known with squamous cell carcinoma lung. The patient underwent primary surgery for early stage disease but refused to get adjuvant chemotherapy. He presented after fifteen & a half months with obstructive uropathy and was found to have penile recurrence from the lung primary. He underwent urinary catheterization with symptomatic relief, and was offered local radiotherapy and palliative chemotherapy but denied either. Although the case had an established diagnosis of lung cancer, yet new case with penile metastases could be investigated for primary either within the pelvis or extra-pelvic sites. Except for chemosensitive malignant disorders, therapy is purely palliative for a spread which is associated with exceedingly poor prognosis.

Key words: Neoplasm, lung squamous cell carcinoma; penis, penile neoplasms.

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