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Case Report

Glomangiomyoma: An unusual neck mass with atypical presentation in a child- A case report

Divya Sugumaran, Abirami Mahadevan, Kalpana Sivalingam.

Cited by 0 Articles

Glomangiomyoma is a rare histological variant of glomus tumour. Clinically, it was referred to as enlarged cervical lymph node and is challenging to diagnose. Only one case was reported in the neck of a child so far in the literature.
Case summary:
A 10 year old girl presented with the complaints of painful progressive neck swelling in the left side for two and half year. Sonography and Contrast enhanced CT neck suggested a slow flow vascular malformation and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was inconclusive, demonstrating only a few blood cells. The mass was removed in toto under general anaesthesia without postoperative complications. The histopathology confirmed it to be glomangiomyoma
It is an extremely rare variant of glomus tumour and only one case of a Glomangiomyoma reported in the neck of a child. Although it is a rare occurrence, when encountering a subcutaneous mass that initially appears a venous malformation but exhibits pain, consideration should be given to glomus tumours or related conditions.

Key words: Slow flow vascular malformation, Glomangiomyoma, Hemangioma, Neck space,Phlebolith

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