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RMJ. 2025; 50(1): 80-82

Evaluation of intraocular pressure in depressed patients

Sania Abdul Rauf, Sharmeen Shahid, Uswa Fatima, Farhana Ali, Rabia Saifullah, Hafsa Riaz Mahnoor Fatima.


Objective: To determine the effect of depression on intraocular pressure.
Methodology: This ross-sectional study included 68 patients from 18-40 years of age who were diagnosed with Major, Minor depressive disorder, Mood disorder, Bi-Polar disorder, and Anxiety at Jinnah Hospital Lahore from 1st September to 30th November 2022.
Result: Means of variables in right eye were 11.5000+1.93410, 10.6154+1.89466,12.6154+2.63117,13.4000+1.34164, 12.2222+1.85592, respectively. Means of the same variables in left eye were 11.5714+2.26779, 10.6154+2.36426,14.0000+3.16228,13.3333+1.41421, 13.2000+2.68328, respectively. Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to compare IOP of OD and OS.
Conclusion: Statistically significant difference was found in mean rank of IOP in OD and OS among five psychological statuses as the p-values are 0.04 and 0.009 for IOP in OD and OS.

Key words: Major depressive disorder, minor depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, mood disorder, anxiety, IOP.

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