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RMJ. 2015; 40(2): 155-157

Role of hematological parameters in the diagnosis of anemia in school children of Hyderabad, Pakistan

Junaid Ali Thebo, A. N. Memon, Naima Memon, Shaista Khan, Saima Memon, Zafer Ali Perzado.


Objective: To investigate the relationship between Anemia and some trace element Iron (Fe) and ferittin among the school going children of Hyderabad and adjoining areas.
Methodology: 160 students studying in different schools of the respective region, which were divided into four group’s age, gender wise 10-13 yrs M/F, 14-16 yrs M/F and 40 controls were examined to found out the analytic difference.
Results: Out of 200, 160 children studying in different schools, 15% were found severe anemic, children found with anemic symptoms have low heamotological parameters as well as serum iron and feritin, specially male group which have 63% anemic ratio, where as girls have low iron values than others.
Conclusion: This study shows that the Hb%, HCT,MCV,MCH, MCHC values found lower which shows that children face anemia in acute level, where as specially male age group 14-16 yrs showing lower values of ferritin and iron along with Hb% conc. and other indices shows that iron uptake was inhibited or consumed in lower quantity for a long period . Data also shows that the male anemic group is 63% which is greater than female group i-e 42% indicating that the male children have more anemic ratio than female children.

Key words: Iron, anemia, Hb, hemotological parameters

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