Objective: To investigate the relationship between Anemia and some trace element Iron (Fe) and ferittin among the school going children of Hyderabad and adjoining areas.
Methodology: 160 students studying in different schools of the respective region, which were divided into four groups age, gender wise 10-13 yrs M/F, 14-16 yrs M/F and 40 controls were examined to found out the analytic difference.
Results: Out of 200, 160 children studying in different schools, 15% were found severe anemic, children found with anemic symptoms have low heamotological parameters as well as serum iron and feritin, specially male group which have 63% anemic ratio, where as girls have low iron values than others.
Conclusion: This study shows that the Hb%, HCT,MCV,MCH, MCHC values found lower which shows that children face anemia in acute level, where as specially male age group 14-16 yrs showing lower values of ferritin and iron along with Hb% conc. and other indices shows that iron uptake was inhibited or consumed in lower quantity for a long period . Data also shows that the male anemic group is 63% which is greater than female group i-e 42% indicating that the male children have more anemic ratio than female children.
Key words: Iron, anemia, Hb, hemotological parameters