A geophysical survey employing Schlumberger electrode configuration using vertical electrical sounding (VES) method was carried out around Chibok area within the Basement Complex of north-eastern Nigeria using an ABEM SAS 300C Terrameter with a view to exploring groundwater within the study area. The results of the survey indicate that the overburden in the area ranges from about 15m to 58.5m thick. This overburden based on geoelectrical interpretations, consists essentially of top soil, decomposed crystalline rock, highly weathered crystalline rock, weathered or fractured crystalline rockand weathered to fresh crystalline rock. The results of the study suggest that the vicinities of all the VESs are best suited for the sitting of boreholes apart from VES 1 and 5 due to the presence of fresh crystalline rock at shallow depth.
Key words: Hydrogeology, Groundwater, Basement Complex, Alluvium, Colluviums, Electric resistivity, Chibok