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The positivity for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA and evaluation of probable risk factors among women in Eskişehir region

Ferhat Gürkan Aslan, Tercan Us, Nilgün Kaşifoğlu, Sabit Sinan Özalp, Yurdanur Akgün, Tufan Öge, Müge Aslan.


Aim: The aim of this study was to define the prevalence of HPV DNA in females aged 30-65 years who presented for scanning at Eskişehir Training Centre for Early Cancer Diagnosis and Scanning (KETEM) and to research the effect of potential risk factors on HPV DNA positivity.
Method: The study comprised 1081 females aged 30-65 years who presented for scanning at Eskişehir Training Centre for Early Cancer Diagnosis and Scanning (KETEM). All participants completed a questionnaire with demographic information and data on potential risk factors then cervical smear samples were taken according to the kit manufacturer’s instructions. The testing to determine the presence of HPV DNA in the samples was applied at the Microbiology Laboratory of Eskişehir Osmanagazi University Medical Faculty using the Hybrid Capture 2 kit (HC 2: Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used for the molecular method results and the statistical analysis of the questionnaire data.
Results: The high risk and low risk subjects included in the study were examined separately for the presence of HPV. In a total of 32 samples (3.0%), HPV was determined to be present with the HC 2 test. In the statistical analysis of the results of a survey applied to the participants for evaluating the risk factors; significant effection HPV DNA positivity was determined on the variables such as, a higher number of births, protection with oral contraception (OCS) method and smoking.
Conclusions: In addition to the prevention of cervical cancer, scanning programs are also important in protection against HPV infection. Applications which could be implemented on this subject can be considered as defining the potential risk factors and taking precautions against them. More detailed studies should be conducted in Turkey to research the relationship between HPV infections and social groups, the frequency of HPV infection,results, follow-up, treatment, control and prevention. Communities must be made aware of this subject throughpublic health education.

Key words: Eskişehir, hpv dna, HC 2, risk factors, cervical cancer

Article Language: Turkish English

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