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Case Report

Giant intramuscular lipoma of arm: A case report and review of the literature

Muzaffer Durmus, Ahmet Demirhan Dal, Abdul Kerim Yapici, Sedat Avsar, Yalcin Bayram.


Lipomas are the most common type of tumor of soft tissue and can occur anywhere in the body. Giant lipomas, which are defined as lesions greater than 5 cm, are associated with the risk of malignancy. Preoperative assessments, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and biopsies, are the optimal methods for making diagnoses and designing treatment plans. Incomplete excisions may cause recurrence of the masses, causing complications in the management of patients. In this report, we present a case of a giant lipoma that is located in an upper extremity of a patient, causing nerve compression, as well as a review of related literature.

Key words: Giant, lipoma, liposarcoma, arm, upper, extremity

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