This paper presents a tutorial on data acquisition and visualisation of a practical control system using Python Plotly Dash. While there has been significant focus on data acquisition and analytics, there is a dearth of material on open source implementation on a practical feedback system. In this work, a laboratory model of an isolated power plant is used to emulate a stand-alone hydropower generation system. An Electronic Load Controller (ELC) is designed for the system using a discrete PID algorithm hosted on an Arduino MEGA microcontroller board. An ESP32 microcontroller then acquires the system data from the MEGA using I2C protocol and transmits same wirelessly to a Raspberry Pi single board computer using Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. An interactive dashboard using Plotly Dash is then used to visualise and record the real time data on the Raspberry Pi computer.
Key words: Plotly Dash, Hydropower, Raspberry Pi, Microcontroller, IoT