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IJHRS. 2014; 3(3): 107-112

Development of Preliminary Questionnaire to Explore the Factors Causing Attrition from Occupational Therapy in India

Lipika Sachdeva, Ruby Aikat.


Background: There is a growing concern about the shortage of professionals in occupational therapy. So there is a need to address the reasons of why therapists are leaving the job market and why there is progression of attrition of professionals and students from occupational therapy.

Objective: To develop a preliminary questionnaire for finding out the main factors causing attrition from occupational therapy in India.

Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in three steps: the first was exploratory interview phase; the second was preliminary interview phase and the third step was establishment of face validity of the questionnaire.

Results: A preliminary questionnaire was developed consisting of all the possible factors causing attrition.

Conclusion: This questionnaire can be used further to carry out a survey in order to gather the main factors causing attrition from occupational therapy in India and various strategies can be formed for the improvisation of the scenario of occupational therapy in India.

Key words: Attrition, Questionnaire, Occupational therapy

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