Background: Prognosis, in terms of mortality and morbidity of a disease, also depends on the time gap between the initiation of a critical event and admission to the hospital.
Objectives: To explore the reasons behind late admission of critically ill children to the hospital and to advice the parents to seek medical aid for their ailing children in time.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted to explore the various reasons behind the late admission of critically ill patients between age group of 1 month and 12 years with special reference to medical emergencies admitted in child intensive therapy unit of LLRM Medical College and its associated SVBP Hospital, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Results: Of total admitted children, more of rural children (82.7%) were brought to the hospital in critical stage as compared to urban children (17.3%). Parents belonging to rural joint families had significantly poor interpretation of nature of illness as compared to those of urban nuclear families. Only 25.0% parents had realistic views about causative factor for illness whereas 64.7% parents had nonmedical beliefs for illness. There was significant delay in admission of female children as compared to male children.
Conclusion: Rural background, poor economic status of parents, illiteracy, and lack of knowledge and awareness combined with superstitions and traditional misbeliefs were important factors behind late admission of critically ill children.
Key words: Critical, illness, delayed admission