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Review Article

NMJ. 2014; 3(2): 50-53


B.V Subrahmanyam, K.S.V.K. Subbarao.



Statins are globally used for prevention of dyslipedemic effects. However, indiscriminate use of Statins can lead to unnecessary suffering of the patient due to their unwanted side effects. Statins can not be prescribed in pregnant women, patients with liver disease etc., Originally, Statins were prescribed for “Secondary prevention” in cases of heart attack and stroke patients with high cholesterol. This paper presents use and abuse of Statins in the light of contra indications and problems presented by users, to caution all concerned about the need to prescribe prudently keeping the safety of the patient into consideration and also to avoid any litigation from patients.

Key words: Key Words : • Statins • Indiscriminate use • Dyslipedemia

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