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RMJ. 2015; 40(1): 104-106

Performance of medical student is reflection of gender and learning style

Shabana Ali, Rehana Rana, Komel Zulfiqar.


Objective: To determine learning styles of students of 3rd year MBBS with special focus on gender and it correlation with the performance in examinations.
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted at Islamic International Medical College and VARK questionnaire was used assess the performance in exams. The obtained marks of students were divided into three groups: Group I= 50-60%, Group II= 60-70% and Group III=70-80%. All data was analyzed by SPSS v. 21.
Results: Out of 100 students, 83.5% students had uni modal while 16.5 % had multimodal learning style. Among unimodal style, auditory and kinesthetic (29.7% each) were the common learning styles. Among girls, 35% had preference for kinesthetic and auditory style while visual style was least common (3%). The kinesthetic and visual students were found to be high achievers in class. The listeners were found to be mediocre. The readers did not show good performance.
Conclusion: Performance of medical students is related to the learning style and gender

Key words: Medical students, male, female, learning, habits

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