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Case Report

Reconstruction of a palmar infection related tissue defect with heterodigital island flap in a diabetic patient: A case report

Candemir Ceran, Ersin Aksam, Soner Tezcan, Mustafa Erol Demirseren.


Hand infections are particularly important in diabetic patients, because of the rapid progression and high risk of morbidity. Infections should be treated emergently with sufficient debridement and appropriate antibiotics. Comorbid situations, type of infection and late intervention are important predisposing factors to complications such as tissue necrosis. Tissue defects should be reconstructed with a similar tissue that does not cause movement restrictions or contractures that have adequate thickness. In this study, heterodigital island flap in reconstruction of a palmar defect caused by infection in a diabetic patient is presented.

Key words: Finger reconstruction, heterodigital island flap, palmar infection

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