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RMJ. 2015; 40(2): 214-216

Nutritional assessment of non-conventional vegetable (Capparris Decidua: Flower)

Irshad Hussain Ghanghro, Allah Bux Ghanghro Ghanghro, Mahvish jabeen Channa.


Objective: To evaluate the nutritional value of non conventional plant due to ever increasing population pressure and depletion of natural resources. Therefore, in order to exploit new, easily available and low cost plant resources to meet the growing nutritional needs of the human consumption.
Methodology: Sample (Capparis decidua flowers) was collected from the premises of University of Sindh, Jamshoro and whole analysis were performed in Nutrition and Food Technology Research laboratory, Institute of Biochemistry. 100 grams of Capparis decidua flowers were taken for experimentation. Quantitative analysis in terms of moisture, carbohydrates by UV spectrophotometric anthrone method, Proteins by lowery’s method, alkaloids, phenolic compounds were also determined by UV spectrophotometric Folin Ciocalteu method.
Results: Capparis decidua flowers results indicate moisture (65.5%) whereas carbohydrates (8.5mg/100g) and alkaloids(1.56mg/kg), proteins (8.4mg/100g), and phenols (0.8mg/100g) and heavy metals including iron (3.972mg/kg), nickel (0.00mg/kg) manganese (0.06mg/kg) cobalt (0.00mg/kg) and copper 0.162mg/kg was estimated.
Conclusion: Capparis decidua (flower) have high amount of biochemical constituents i.e carbohydrates and protein whereas alkaloids and phenolic values were found to be in low amount, heavy metals i.e iron copper manganese were found within the maximum residual limit by world health organization (WHO), whereas nickel and cobalt were below the detection limit. So, Capparis decidua is found to be nutritional non conventional plant and meet the growing needs of the human due to ever increasing population pressure and depletion of natural resources.

Key words: Capparis decidua, phytochemical, flowers, buds, biochemical

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