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Communication Patterns in Preschool Education Institutions – Practical Examples

Endica Radic-Hozo.


Introduction: Proper communication in pre-school institutions for education is undeniable importance to the development of the child, as evidenced by numerous studies. After the child’s birth follows the most complex phase in its early phases - preschool education. Only high-quality, synergistic relationship triad: parent-child- educator and the modern postulates of preschool child education, warrants successful preschool child education. Methods and materials: Description, with examples from daily practice in a large institution for preschool education , marked were the critical points on the complex way in child education , many pitfalls encountered by both parents and educators. Considered are the errors in communication with the proposed solution to avoid the same in practice. Conclusion: Proper, daily communication in the preschool institution for education, within a relationship between parent-child-educator, mutual consultation, respect, acceptance, facilitation, resulting in successful common goal - the proper education and socialization of children in institutions for preschool education.

Key words: Preschool education of children, communication patterns.

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