This paper explores how modernism and postmodernism are projected in "The Golden Notebook." by Doris Lessing. It analyzes the 20th century multi-structured narrative style, mirroring the postmodern conditions. The paper first defines Modernism and its decline from 19th-century norms. It then discusses the changes in society and the intellectual ferment of the Modern Age, leading it to an Age of Anxiety. The influence of these shifts on literature of that time period, with a focus on impressionism and existentialism, is explored. The transition from Modernism to Postmodernism is outlined in the present paper. Then it delves into key features of postmodern literature, such as satire of the contemporary norms of society and resistance to coherence, offering multiple interpretations.
The postmodern era's breakdown is reflected through the analysis of "The Golden Notebook", showcases Doris Lessing's unconventional storytelling technique, with its fragmented structure. Lessing's dealing with the artists and art is also examined, focusing the integration of personal and social integrity as a complex process. The paper concludes by underlining the impact of World Wars on Doris Lessing's worldview and the ongoing relevance of her work in the understanding of the complexities of the postmodernism.
Key words: Modernism, Postmodernism, Fragmentation, Meta-narratives, Societal Upheavals, Narrative Approach, Integration, Societal Integrity, Doris Lessing, The Golden Notebook.