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Original Article

Med Arch. 2014; 68(5): 345-349

Motor Evoked Potentials in 43 High Risk Spine Deformities

Mirza Biscevic, Sejla Biscevic, Farid Ljuca, Barbara UR Smrke, Cagatay Ozturk, Merita Tiric-Campara.


Introduction: Correction of pediatric spine deformities is challenging surgical procedures. This fragile group of patients has many risk factors, therefore prevention of most fearing complication- paraplegia is extremely important. Monitoring of transmission of neurophysiological impulses through motor and sensor pathways of spinal cord gives us an insight into cord’s function, and predicts postoperative neurological status. Goal: Aim of this work is to present our experiences in monitoring of spinal cord motor function - MEP during surgical corrections of the hardest pediatric spine deformities, pointing on the most dangerous aspects. Material and methods: We analyzed incidence of MEP changes and postoperative neurological status in patients who had major spine correcting surgery in period April ‘11- April ‘14 on our Spine department. Results: Two of 43 patients or 4.6% in our group experienced significant MEP changes during their major spine reconstructive surgeries. We promptly reduced distractive forces, and MEP normalized, and there were no neurological deficit. Neuromonitoring is reliable method which allows us to “catch” early signs of neurological deficits, when they are still in reversible phase. Although IONM cannot provide complete protection of neurological deficit (it reduces risk of paraplegia about 75%), it at least afford a comfort to the surgeon being fear free that his patient is neurologically intact during long lasting procedures.

Key words: monitoring, neglected, spine, deformity, neurological deficit

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