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Original Article

Med Arch. 2014; 68(5): 339-344

Attenuation of Hemodynamic Response to Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intubation with Pre Induction IV Fentanyl Versus Combination of IV Fentanyl and Sub Lingual Nitroglycerin Spray

Vijayalakshmi B. Channaiah, Nicholas S. Kurek, Ryder Moses, Sathees B. Chandra.


Introduction: Endotracheal intubation is one of the most invasive stimuli in anesthesia and it’s often accompanied by a hemodynamic pressor response. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a single pre-induction 2 μg/kg bolus injection of fentanyl followed by two puffs of nitroglycerin sub lingual spray (400 μg /spray) with a thiopentone/suxamethonium sequence in the attenuation of the hemodynamic response to endotracheal intubation in normotensive patients. Material and methods: The study consisted of 80 randomly selected ASA physical status I/II male/female adults who were aged between 18 through 60 years and scheduled for elective surgery. Group I received a single 2 μg/kg IV bolus of fentanyl diluted to 5 ml with normal saline 5 min prior to laryngoscopy followed by two puffs of nitroglycerin sub lingual spray (400 μg/spray) 2 minutes prior to intubation (n=40). Group II received a single 2 μg/kg IV bolus of fentanyl diluted to 5 ml with normal saline 5 min prior to laryngoscopy (n=40). Heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure and rate pressure product were compared to basal values at pre-induction, induction, intubation and post-intubation as well as at time increments of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 min. Results: Fentanyl combined with nitroglycerin did not attenuate hemodynamic pressor responses more than fentanyl alone. Increases of HR (7.9%), DBP (4.0%), MAP (3.6%) and RPP (6.0%) along with attenuation of SBP (2.7%) were observed in the fentanyl-nitroglycerin group as compared to the equivalent control measured values. Conclusions: A single pre-induction bolus injection of fentanyl followed by two puffs of nitroglycerin sub lingual spray in a thiopentone/suxamethonium anesthetic sequence neither successfully attenuates nor successfully suppresses the hemodynamic pressor response more effectively than fentanyl alone in normotensive patients resulting from endotracheal intubation.

Key words: fentanyl, nitroglycerin, endotracheal intubation, hemodynamic response, attenuation.

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