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Original Article

Med Arch. 2014; 68(5): 329-331

Epidemiological Aspects of Atherosclerosis in Patients Treated for Acute Atherothrombosis of Extremity Arteries

Nedzad Rustempasic, Dragan Totic, Muhamed Djedovic, Medzida Rustempasic, Nada Malesic.


Introduction: Risk factors for development of extremity artery atherosclerosis are the same as for coronary and cerebrovascular atherosclerosis namely, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, age and smoking. Atherosclerosis is polyarterial disease that clinically manifests itself most frequently in the form coronary, cerebrovascular or peripheral arterial disease (PAD). All of them have common, ominous and final pathologic step – atherosclerotic plaque rupture that might eventually lead to atherothrombosis and signs of ischemia. There are few studies of risk factor for peripheral artery disease (PAD). Aim of study: To identify prevalence of known risk factors for atherosclerosis in patients treated for acute atherothrombosis of extremity arteries. Patients and methods: Eighty patient were analyzed with regard to the prevalence of five risk factors for atherosclerosis (diabetes mellitus, smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and age). 80 patients were divided into two groups (Group A and B ) depending on country i.e. hospital where they received treatment for acute atherothrombosis of extremity artery. Group A consisted of patients treated at Clinic for vascular surgery in Sarajevo, while patients in Group B were treated in Trollhattan in Sweden at NAL hospital. This study was clinical, comparative, retrospective-prospective. Results: In group A, 20% of patients had diabetes mellitus while in group B prevalence of diabetics was lower (12,5%) but difference was not statistically significant p>0.05. Sixty percent of patients (60%) in group A were smokers. In Sweden, habit of smoking is not as common as in Balkan countries and consequently only 22,5% of patients were smokers in Group l, difference was statistically significant, p0.05. 37.5% of patients in group A and 20% of patients in group B had hyperlipidemia. Difference was not statistically significant, p>0.05. In Group A mean age of patients was 67.85 years while mean age in Group B was 73.63. Age difference was statistically significant, p

Key words: extremity arteries, atherosclerosis, acute atherothrombosis.

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