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Original Article

Med Arch. 2014; 68(5): 317-318

Descriptive Review of the Patients Suffering from Tuberculosis in the Past 10 Years Treated at Pediatric Clinic of Clinical Center of Sarajevo University

Selma Dizdar, Amra Dzinovic, Refet Gojak, Ganimeta Bakalovic, Amina Selimovic.


Introduction: Due to the geographical position of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its socio economic momentum even though the standard vaccination program is carried out, the child population continues to suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis in significant percentage. Material and methods: The study was retrospective and included patients who were in the period from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2013 (or the 10 years period) hospitalized at the Department of Pulmonology Pediatric Clinic dually diagnosed with lung TB and start treatment. Data were adopted from available medical records (history of disease). Goal: The aim of the study was to determine the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of tuberculosis of the lungs in children who were hospitalized at the Pediatric Clinic. Results: In the period from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2013 there were hospitalized a total of 50 children with a proven active infection with MBT, where it was initiated treatment with a specific therapy. From this number 44% of patients were aged from 5 to 10 years, 22% of patients were aged younger than 5 years. Peak incidence was in 2009. About 66% of patients had a positive history of sick close relative, while 10% of them had a history of contact with other sick person. From baseline 28% of patients were referred to the Department with suspicion of a specific process. From the total 70% of respondents were regularly vaccinated, and 29% of them had a visible BCG scar. In 55% of cases there was anamnestic information - decresed body weight, in 82% of cases the presence of cough, of which 52% of the occurrence of expectoration. In 78% of cases we had positive auscultatory findings of the lungs. In 14% of cases on X-ray of the lungs was noticed changes in terms of the primary complex positive. In this material we had one cavernous and one miliary TB of the lungs. Sputum or gastric lavage was positive in 62% of cases, and Quantiferon because of the lack of the same (in the past) was positive in 34% of cases. All subjects at the time of discharge were classified as recovered. In that period we had proven resistant TB. Conclusion: Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to the group of countries with still present and evident TB. In the investigated period of ten years from the pediatric pulmonary TB, usually have suffered small children and adolescents. At moment of discharge, all patients were classified as recovered. In the teste material we did not have proven resistant TB.

Key words: tuberculosis, children, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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