Objective: To determine factors correlated with students’ refusal assertiveness of illicit drugs.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was carried out in four junior and senior high schools in Bima from January to October 2023. The sample consisted of 202 students who were selected by simple random sampling method. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Study was carried out in two parts. First, sociodemographic information about the participants and the second part about knowledge and attitudes toward protect oneself from drug abuse. Data analysis consists of the Chi square test and multivariable logistic regression analysis.
Results: Students age was 12-17 years, and out of 202 students, 84 were boys and 118 girls. Mean age at enrollment was 14,67±0,932 years. More participants lived in rural areas of Bima. Based on age, sex, grade of school and area of residence, studeents received counseling on drug abuse prevention and knowledge of drugs. Logistic regression shown that the determinant factors of students' refusal assertiveness of illicit drugs were age (OR 1,6) and gender (OR 0,4) while the region of residence variable was a confounding factor.
Conclusion: The determinant factors of students' refusal assertiveness of illicit drugs were age and gender.
Key words: Assertiveness skill, drug prevention, drug refusal, illicit drugs, student.