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AAM. 2014; 3(1-2): 15-19

Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Stem and Root of Taverniera nummularia Baker

Shashikant Prajapati1, Brijesh Notani2, Harisha C R3, Bhupesh Patel4.


Taverniera nummularia Baker.(Fabaceae), known as a Jethimala, is a much branched under shrub, 1-2ft. High; branches
twiggy, terete, minutely velvety cane scent. Roots of Taverniera nummularia are used as a substitute for the commercial
licorice. A detailed pharmacognostical character of its stem and root is lacking. So, in the present study, its stem and root
studied for their macroscopic and microscopic following standard procedures. Results showed presence of single layer
epidermis, cortex, discontinued pericyclic fibers, brown contents, prismatic crystals, oil-globules, xylem, phloem and
precyclic fibers etc. in stem. Microscopic evaluation of root shows the presence of 5-7 layers of barrel shaped lignified
cork cells, cortex, simple and compound starch grain, phloem, xylem, pericyclic fibers etc. These observed microscopic
characters could serve as a measure for authentication and standardization of the plant.

Key words: Jethimala, Pharmacognosy, Taverniera nummularia,

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