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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5565-5585

The Study On Perception Of Management Students About Online Education

Dr. Shripada Patil, Dr Ashutosh N Misal, Mr. Pradip Patil.


Examining the Impact of Online Education on Management Students' Learning. The pandemic has significantly disrupted the traditional education system, forcing educational institutions to swiftly transition to online learning platforms. This study aims to investigate the perception of management students regarding online education during the pandemic.
Through a mixed-methods approach, including surveys and interviews, the study explores student’s attitudes, experiences, and challenges related to online education.
The findings reveal that the majority of management students have adapted to online education but have varying perceptions about its effectiveness compared to traditional classroom learning. Factors such as technical issues, lack of personal interaction, and difficulty in maintaining focus emerged as significant challenges faced by students.
Moreover, the study sheds light on the benefits perceived by students, including flexibility in scheduling and the opportunity to develop self-discipline and time management skills. Recommendations are provided to enhance the quality of online education, address the challenges identified, and improve the overall learning experience for management students during the pandemic and beyond.
This research contributes to the management students' perception of online education and offers insights for educational institutions and policymakers to develop effective strategies and support mechanisms to ensure a successful online learning environment in times of crisis and also provide the details of different tools available for online learning.

Key words: online learning ,hybrid learning model ,Learning Management System (LMS),offline learning, student perception ,hypothesis testing, e-library

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