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Psychosocial reaction of diagnosing tuberculosis – An experience of tertiary care center of rural Gujarat

Rameshchandra M Thakker, Gunjan P Upadhyay.

Cited by 11 Articles

Background: In India Tuberculosis (TB) is the major public health problem. It is still been considered as social stigma by many people especially in rural areas. It is necessary to pay more attention towards psychosocial needs of the patients so that they accept the anti TB treatment easily without any fear. This will result in good adherence to treatment and better cure rate can be achieved.

Aims & Objectives: The main aim of study is to assess the psychosocial problems & issues related to social stigma for tuberculosis and its treatment in rural population.

Materials and Methods: A prospective cross sectional study was conducted at rural tertiary care center at Dist. Bhavnagar, Gujarat. A structured interview was taken with prior consent and data was collected for the patient newly diagnosed as Tuberculosis.

Results: A significant proportion of patients were found to have adverse psychosocial reaction on informing that they are suffering from TB (p

Key words: Tuberculosis, Psychosocial; Stigma; Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP)

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