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RMJ. 2012; 37(1): 70-134

Abstracts of 17th Annual Cancer Conference March 9-11 Rawalpindi Pakistan



17th Annual Cancer Conference March 9-11 Rawalpindi Pakistan
Rawal Med J 2012;37:70-134

Management of Side Effects of Chemotherapy And Radiotherapy.
Dr. Anjum Afshan, PAEC General Hospital, Islamabad.
Cancer therapy encompasses three modalities of treatment: surgery, systemic therapies and radiation therapy. The goal of therapy is curative or palliative. A combination of modalities is used in the treatment plan. Surgery remains the main stay of curative treatments, with chemo and or radiotherapy which is adjuvant therapy to downstage the tumour, or in order to sterilize the surgical bed from suspected residual disease before surgery. Surgery is not feasible in case of hematologic malignancies. In such cases only chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy is employed with curative or palliative intent. Radiation is usually used to control the disease locally, while chemotherapy (Cytotoxic agents, targeted agents, hormones) as systemic therapy are used to decrease the tumour burden throughout the whole body.
Cancer cells grow faster and divide faster than the normal cells. This difference exploited when using chemotherapy. In human body few of normal growing cells like hemopoietic cells, the skin and its appendages and the epithelium of the intestine often suffer adverse effects of chemotherapy due to efficacy of cytotoxic agents on fast growing cells. The main focus of the current issue is to manage the side effects of chemotherapy which can be classified as acute side effects and as specific side effects.
Acute side effects are like extravasations, hypersensitivity reactions and tumour lysis syndrome whereas alopecia, anemia, cardio toxicity, carcinogenesis, diarrhea, hepatotoxicity, mucositis, myelosuppression/febrile neutropenia, nausea/vomiting, nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, ototoxicity and some ocular and pulmonary adverse effects come under specific side effects of some cytotoxic medicines.
Contrary to chemotherapy, where side effects are generally seen in a matter of minutes or days, the side effects of radiation are seen many days to weeks and even years after the treatment. Acute side effects in this context means within 30 days of the end of the treatments, sub acute within 6 months and late side effects over 6 months after the completion of the therapy. Side effects could be decreased by lowering the total radiation dose or its fractionation or keeping the field size as small as possible. However, the whole tumour has to be treated in order to control the disease appropriately.

Border line ovarian tumor
Rehmatullah Nasreen, KRL Hospital, Islamabad.
Borderline ovarian tumors are a subset of epithelial ovarian tumors that have a very favorable prognosis. Epithelial border line ovarian tumors, also called as tumors of low malignant potential are defined histologically by the presence of a complex architecture in addition to nuclear atypia and mitotic activity but,most importantly,lack invasion of the

Key words: Cancer

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