The present study was aimed to evaluate Vitamin C (VC) as a potent natural antioxidant to reduce the genotoxic effects of sodium arsenite in human lymphocytes. The study was design to assess the role of VC (10 µg/ml), upon sodium arsenite induced in vitro genotoxicity by using alkaline comet assay technique. Lymphocytes were incubated for 3h at 37ºC in RPMI-1640 medium with different concentrations of sodium arsenite (12.5 µg/ml, 25 µg/ml, 50 µg/ml and 100 µg/ml) and also in combined treatment of sodium arsenite with VC (100 µg/ml + 10 µg/ml).Our findings suggest that treatment with sodium arsenite increased the primary DNA damage and pretreatment with VC reduces the genotoxic effects of sodium arsenite effectively and efficiently at the highest concentration in vitro, proving its mitigating effect.
Key words: Vitamin C, Sodium arsenite, Comet assay, Lymphocyte.