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Oocyte Developmental Stages and its Relationship with the Zona Layers During Vitellogenesis in the Asian Striped Catfish Mystus vittatus (Bloch, 1794)

Nilanjana Chatterjee, Baibaswata Bhattacharjee.

Cited by 35 Articles

Statistical analysis and size distribution study on oocytic cells during vitellogenesis of the Asian striped catfish Mystus vittatus were performed systematically to gather useful information required for aquaculture of this economically important fish in south-east Asia. Mean oocytic cell diameters were found to increase with advancement of vitellogenic stages. Semi quantitative approach is employed to establish relationships between Oocyte cell diameters with the heights of zona granulosa and zona radiata layers during vitellogenesis of Mystus vittatus. Heights of both the layers are found to increase with oocytic cells diameters and showed linear dependence in the experimental range. It is also found that the change in the height of zona radiata with the height of zona granulosa during vitellogenesis follow non linear pattern and the data fitted well with exponential growth curve.

Key words: Zona granulosa, Zona radiata, Vitellogenesis, Oocyte, Mystus vittatus

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