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RMJ. 2023; 48(3): 580-582

Procalcitonin Level In COVID-19 Patients: A single center study

Batool Mutar Mahdi.


Objective: The study the association of procalcitonin (PCT) and c-reactive protein (CRP) levels in COVID-19 patients and it's role as a guide in progress and management of those patients.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study analyzed 200 CIOVID-19 patients in a single privet center in Baghdad, Iraq from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022. Demographic data like age, sex, and clinical symptoms were recorded. High sensitivity CRP and PCT in the serum were measured via dry fluorescence immunoassay (Lansionbio-China).
Results: Out of 200 patients, 50 had moderate Covid and 150 had severe disease. Mean serum PCT levels was 0.039±0.05 ng/mL in the moderate group (range 0.011-0.067) and 0.43±0.21 ng/mL in the severe group (range 0.211±0.513). Mean serum PCT and CRP levels were higher in severe patients than in moderate patients.
Conclusions: PCT and CRP may be an indicator of disease severity in COVID-19.

Key words: COVID, procalcitonin, CRP, severity.

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