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Original Research

RMJ. 2014; 39(4): 386-388

Knowledge and attitude pertaining to cigarette smoking among medical students of Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Imran Saeed Ali, Rizwana Shahid.


Objective: To assess knowledge and attitude regarding cigarette smoking among medical students of Rawalpindi Medical College.
Methodology: Of total 975 medical students included in this descriptive cross-sectional study, 30.7% were males while 69.3% were females. 234 students were smokers. Data were collected by using structured questionnaire regarding smoking history of samples and family members, smoking on offer of a cigarette by best friend, discussion of detrimental health effects of cigarette smoking of samples and perception of medical students about role of healthcare providers in arresting smoking in the communities.
Results: Fathers of 16% medical students were found to be smokers while injurious health effects of smoking were conversed by the family of 61% of respondents. 3.7% students had all their friends indulged in smoking. 728 (84%) students refused to indulgence in smoking on offer by their best friends. 555 (70.5%) students acknowledged the impact of health professional’s advice in smoking cessation. 523 (88.3%) students affirmed specific training of health professionals for smoking cessation.
Conclusion: Smoking habit and beliefs of family members is influential in endorsing smoking. Health professionals should participate in abolishing smoking tradition in our community.

Key words: Knowledge, attitude, healthcare providers, smoking cessation

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