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Pharmacological effectiveness of the active phytochemicals contained in foods and herbs

Hiroyasu Satoh.


Food ingestions generally regulate many physiological functions to maintain healthy life. Also, herbal medicine is prescribed for the prevention and the treatment of various diseases. There are not a few herbal medicine-derived drugs (phytochemicals) clinically using now. The phytochemicals such as digitalis, curare, morphine, quinidine, atropine and so on are so much important drugs for clinical treatments. Herbal medicine and foods are composed of many constituents The pharmacological actions the containing phytochemicals are exerted each by each mediated through different receptors, ionic channels and cellular signal transductions. Thus, they produce multiple pharmacological and pathophysiological functions mediated by the complex interactions with lots of the ingredients.

Key words: Phytochemicals; herbal medicine; foods; mixture; profitable effects; anti-ageing effects

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