This study aims to model and analyze repeated observations in some biological sciences. Repeated measure ANOVA is used to assess the effects of some treatments over time. Data obtained from an experimental study examining the effect of some immunostimulants in Nile tilapia fish which measured repeatedly over time. The analysis is applied by using the software SPSS Version 20 on the data collected at two time points 14th day and 28th day so the correct test was two way repeated measure design. The assumptions of the test were achieved where Huynh-Feldt and Greenhouse-Geisser measures were not significant (P-value > 0.05). The P value for time, treatments and the interaction of them was 0.000**, so they have a highly significance on the (outcome variable) lysozymes activity of Nile tilapia. Bonferroni correction is used as a post hoc test and its result showed a difference between the groups for each parameter. These results of univariate analysis agreed with the multivariate analysis results.
Key words: Repeated measure ANOVA, sphericity assumptions, lysozymes, P value and Bonferroni procedure.