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Research Article

EEO. 2023; 22(1): 96-111

Multimodal Discourse Analysis Of Selected Videos For Teaching Vocabulary To Efl College Students In Iraq

Hanan Al-Radhi (PH.D).


A number of methods and techniques are explored for developing the vocabulary of ESL learners at all levels. Nowadays, YouTube videos are publicly available and students often watch the videos for learning various aspects of language including vocabulary. YouTube videos are not necessarily prepared by experts, and learners are not to decide their standard and quality. The videos use multi-modes like visual images, sounds, music, movement, instructions, and animation; hence, they are engaging, attractive, and interesting. All the modes contribute to the total effect of the videos. A multimodal discourse analysis helps to establish their standard and quality and suggests improvements to increase their benefits and utility for learners. This study examines a selected video and reviews its strengths and weaknesses.

Key words: YouTube, videos, discourse, multi-modes, analysis.

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