Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the role of physiotherapy in rehabilitation of facial muscles to relieve spasticity of facial muscles due to hemorrhagic stroke.
Methodology: The study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan and included 50 patients spasticity of facial muscles due to hemorrhagic stroke.
Results: Out of 50 patients, 3 (6%) were in grade I, 22 (44%) patients in grade II, 18 (36%) in grade III, 5 (10%) in grade IV and 2 (4%) were in grade V of spasticity. Massage, electrical muscular stimulus (EMS) and KOBAT techniques was given three times a week With therapy spasticity grades improved.
Conclusion: Physiotherapy has a major role in facial palsy, if started earlier. Exercises such as massage and manual therapy help to gain the strength in muscles of facial expression, which are effected after hemorrhagic stroke.
Key words: Facial palsy, stroke, hemorrhagic stroke