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Case Report

Hypoplastic thumb type IIIB: An alternative method for surgical repair

Salih Onur Basat, Cagdas Orman, Turgut Kayadibi, Ilker Uscetin, Mehmet Bozkurt.


Hypoplastic thumb is the second most common congenital deformity of the thumb. Thumb hypoplasia is characterized by diminished thumb size, metacarpal adduction, metacarpophalangeal joint instability, and thenar muscle hypoplasia. In the literature, different classification types of hypoplastic thumb have been used and different treatment methods described. In this case we presented an alternative palliative treatment method for a ten-year-old patient with modified Blauth’s classification type IIIB hypoplastic thumb and one-year follow-up results.

Key words: Blauth’s classification, congenital hand deformity, hand deformity, hypoplastic thumb

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