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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 3932-3947

A Comparative Analysis of Egypt’s Yesteryears and Today’s Egypt in Al-Hakim’s –Fate of the Cockroaches

Yeesha Zia.


Fate of a Cockroach, a play with three acts was published in 1966 as Mosar Sirsar. Second and third acts had been published in Al-Ahram in 1964, 10th and 17th of January as fate of a Cockroach. In 1965, Act one was published in Al-Ahram on November 12th with another title as The Cockroach as a king. Later in 1966 both the plays were combined and published as one play named as Fate of a Cockroach in (2002, p. 143) its political satire, written against censorship and ill governance of Jamal Abdul Nasir of Egypt (Sakhsukh, 2002, p. 143).

Key words: Chaos, disenchantment, disillusionment, dictatorial, patriarchy,

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