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Case Report

IJMDC. 2023; 7(12): 1772-1775

Replantation of an avulsed permanent central incisor: a case report with an 8-month follow-up

Mahir A. Mirah.


Background: Avulsion accounts occur in young children. An avulsed permanent tooth that is dropping out from its socket causes a breakdown of the periodontal ligament (PDL) surrounding the tooth root. An avulsed tooth can be replanted and saved if replantation is performed within 30 minutes to 1 hour of the incident.
Case Presentation: The case of an 8-year-old male patient with a central incisor in a glass of milk after a fall for 2 hours. The tooth was slowly replanted in the socket and stabilized using a flexible wire and resin composite splint. The patient came for the second appointment, the splint was removed, and a radiograph was taken to ensure no inflammation or root resorption had occurred in the replanted tooth for 8-month follow-ups. The tooth developed ankylosis with a positive response to the cold test and electronic pulp tester, indicating that the tooth was vital and sensory nerve supply was regenerated.
Conclusion: The prognosis of avulsed teeth depends on receiving proper emergency care at the right time. A proper storage medium is important to keep the dental pulp and PDL viable.

Key words: case report, avulsion, replantation, permanent central incisor.

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