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Knowledge, awareness and perception of medical college students on rabies and its prevention

G Praveen, H K Rajashekar.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Rabies continues to be major public health problem in India in-spite of the wide availability of anti rabies vaccine. In India 20,000 dies of rabies annually. The large number of deaths due to rabies can be attributed to people not aware of the various aspects of the disease and its prevention.

Aims & Objectives: To assess the knowledge and perception among first year medical college students.

Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive study conducted at Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hassan using apretested questionnaire.

Results: A total of 90 first year medical college students participated in this study. 80 (88.8%) knew that rabies is caused by virus. 38 (42.2%) knew annual mortality due to rabies in India. 88 (97.7%) knew that rabies is transmitted through bites of an animal. 54 (60%) students knew that rabies is 100% fatal. 44 (48%) students knew the symptoms of rabies. 60 (66.6%) felt that the bites wounds should be washed. 55 (61.1%) knew that an antiseptic to be applied to the wound. 40 (44.4%) students told animal bite wound should not be sutured or bandaged. 15 (16.6%) students knew that 5 doses of vaccine should be taken when bitten by animal. Only 2 (2.2%) were aware of RIGs.

Conclusion: Majority of the MBBS students of the first year knew that rabies is caused by virus which is transmitted through dog bite. More than 50% of the students knew about symptoms and post exposure measures correctly. Students had poor knowledge about the other modes of transmission, animal that can transmit rabies, Rabies immunoglobulin and number of vaccine doses. The knowledge regarding rabies prevention among male and female students is same.

Key words: Rabies; Rabies Immunoglobulin; Anti Rabies Vaccine; Knowledge; Awareness; Perception; Medical College Students

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