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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 8362-8371

Unveiling Truth In Chinese Cinema: An Indian Perspective On "Dying To Survive"

Vikash Kumar.


The cross-cultural appeal of cinema enables audiences worldwide to engage with narratives that reflect universal truths. "Dying to Survive," a Chinese film directed by Wen Muye, transcends geographical boundaries to resonate with Indian audiences as it addresses issues that extend beyond China's healthcare system. This research paper offers an Indian perspective on the film's exploration of truth, morality, and social justice. By analyzing the cultural resonances and shared challenges, this paper demonstrates how "Dying to Survive" strikes a chord with Indian viewers and highlights the significance of cross-border cinematic dialogues.

Key words: Cross-cultural appeal, Cinema, Universal truths, "Dying to Survive", Chinese film, Indian audiences, Healthcare system, Truth, Social justice , Indian perspective.

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