Original Research |
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SETB. 2014; 48(4): 287-90 Our experince of incarcerated inguinal herniasAbdülcabbar Kartal, Bülent Çitgez, Evren Besler, Sıtkı Gürkan Yetkin, Mehmet Uludağ, İsmail Ethem Akgün, Hamdi Özşahin, Mehmet Mihmanlı. Abstract | | | | Objetive: The aim of this study is to announce the outcomes and experiences of our operated incarcerated inguinal hernias.
Material and Method: The clinical outcomes and the therapeutical effects of 38 patients whom underwent surgery for incarterated inguinal hernia between January 2005 -January 2010 were evaluated retrospectively.
Results: There were 30 male (79%) and 8 female (21%) patients. The averageage of the patients was 45 years (17-85). The hernia seated on the right side in 24 cases (63%) and on the left side in 14 cases (37%). McVay procedure was applied for 4 patients with femoral hernias and Bassini procedure was applied for 34 patients. Ileal resection was added for 1 case and omental resection for 4 of them. The morbidity rate was 8% (3 cases). Postoperative pain occured in one patient (3%), and seroma occured in 2 patients (5%). The average duration of hospital stay was 3.6 days. Recurrence occured in 3 of 28 patients in the 36 months (8-45) follow up period.
Conclusion: In our study, the rate of bowel resection and the rate of the morbidity of surgical treatment is founded low. Incarcerated inguinal hernias must be operated immediately in order to lower the morbidity and motality rates.
Key words: Inguinal hernia, morbidity, postoperative complication