This research paper investigates into the intricate and profound connection between Ambedkarite themes and the landscape of Dalit literature. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach that harmonizes elements of literary analysis, sociopolitical commentary, and historical contextualization, the paper embarks on an exploration of the multifaceted ways through which Dalit writers have employed their literary creations to assert their identity and ideology. The primary objective of this research is to unravel the profound resonance between Ambedkarite themes and the narratives etched by Dalit authors. Situated within the rich tapestry of Dalit literature, these themes converge to sculpt an intricate mosaic reflecting the aspirations, struggles, and triumphs of a historically marginalized community. In addition, this paper endeavors to decipher the nuanced strategies employed by Dalit writers to interlace the strands of Ambedkarite ideology into the fabric of their narratives. By charting this evolution, the study aims to uncover how Ambedkarite thought has acted as a beacon, through the following questions:
• What is the pivotal role that literature has played in not only sculpting and solidifying Dalit identity?
• How do the Dalit texts serve as both artistic creations as well as instruments of change?
• How do the Dalit texts navigate the tumultuous waters of societal prejudices and reinforce the profound significance of Ambedkarite themes of empowerment, resistance, and transformation?
Key words: Ambedkarite thought/ideology, Dalit Literature, aspirations, struggles, transformation, empowerment