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Treatment of bony mallet finger with hook plate

Mehmet Ali Acar, Ali Gulec, Bahattin Kerem Aydin, Mehmet Sukru Sahin.


Aim: To present results of patients who had bony mallet finger (BMF) treated with hook plate in our institution.
Patients and method: Fifteen patients with BMF who were treated via open reduction and hook plate were enrolled in the study. The demographic features and fracture types of each patient were classified. Crawford criteria, distal interphalangeal (DIF) range of motion, visual analog scale (VAS), and complications were evaluated for the assessment of results.
Results: A total of 15 patients (12 men, 3 women, mean age: 27.6 years) were included in the study. The mean follow-up was 14.9 months (range: 6-26 months). While 9 patients were classified as type 1 according to the Wehbe and Schneider classification, the remaining 6 were considered as type 2B. Eight patients were graded as excellent, 6 patients were classified as good, and the remaining 1 patient was considered as moderate in the final control according to Crawford criteria. Average active flexion in the DIF joint was 64.6o (range: 50-70o) and the mean reduction in DIF joint extension was 3.9o (range: 5-15o). Four patients had developed nail bed deformity as a complication. After extraction of the implants, deformity had resolved in three patients; however in 1 patient the aforementioned deformity persisted.
Conclusion: The hook plate method in the treatment of BMF is advantageous since it can provide anatomic reduction, stable fixation, early rehabilitation, and satisfactory functional results; however, high cost, difficulty in surgical technique compared to other methods, and postoperative nail deformity make it disadvantageous.

Key words: Mallet fracture, surgical treatment, hook plate technique

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