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Original Article

Med Arch. 2014; 68(2): 132-136

Comparison of the Quality Assessment of the Medical Education by Students of Bologna and the Old System of Studying

Izet Masic, Ajla Hodzic, Emina Karcic, Smaila Mulic.


Introduction: The quality of teaching at the universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as abroad depends on many factors, among which are: adequate space for teaching, teaching staff, equipment and technical aids to assist the teaching process, which are in accordance with existing standards and norms. Opinion of students plays an important role in measuring the quality of education. The goal: was to compare the quality of the teaching process students which study according to the Bologna system and students who are studying according to the old system. Material and methods: We used a questionnaire containing variables relevant to test the success of the teaching process at the Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo. The survey was conducted among the students of the sixth year of the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo. The study included 138 students of which 85 students who are studying according to the Bologna system and 53 students who are studying according the old system. Results: The results showed that the students of both groups assessed similarly basic elements of the teaching process. A statistically significant difference is found in the evaluation of the relationship of teachers, assistants, the number of students and the evaluation of space for teaching, practice and studying. Students of the Bologna system believe that assistants should offer more empirical examples and that the exercises are not well designed, unlike the old system students who are satisfied with the concept of practical exercises. A small number of students, in both groups had the opportunity to exercise on the model how to administer injections, while the model for intubation and simulation model used more students of the Bologna system. From the baseline 55% of Bologna students and 48% of students which study according to old system, considered that they are ready to work independently. Discussion: Quality of medical education at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo evaluated by students studying under the old system was not satisfactory in a number of variables that has been shown in this study. Students who are studying according to the Bologna system are more satisfied and most of the variables that were used in this research were evaluated positively. Conclusion: Although in this study is pointed to the many positive features of the Bologna system, in Bosnia and Herzegovina still exist many shortcomings in this study system. It is necessary to carry out many of the changes in our universities through the Bologna process. Primary it is necessary changes to studies curricula, their alignment with the programs of other European universities, modernization of facilities and their alignment with the programs of other European universities, a new method of selection of teachers and their engagement at the university.

Key words: Bologna process of education, Faculty of medicine of Sarajevo University, students.

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