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Growth Performance and Heterosis in Meat-type White Crossbred Chickens

Md. Sharifuzzaman, Md. Bazlur Rahman Mollah, Md. Ashraf Ali.


A study was conducted to evaluate the body weight, weight gain, meat yield, livability and heterosis of different crossbred chickens produced by mating three pure lines of meat-type chickens i.e., Male line white (MLW), Male line white2 (MLW2), Female line white (FLW). A total of 369 crossbred as hatched chicks of 2 genotypes i.e., MLW2 × FLW2(MLW♂ × FLW♀), MLW × FLW2 were brooded with electric brooder on litter floor and standard broiler diets were fed from day old to 42 days of age. Proper management strategies were practiced for all genotypes. Body weight and feed consumption were recorded weekly. One male and two female chickens from each cross were sacrificed to record their dressing yield. The body weight was significantly (p

Key words: genotypes, dressing yield, 3-way crossbred

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