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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 2736-2749

Educational Status And Opportunities Among Scheduled Tribe In Malwa Plateau Region Of Madhya Pradesh

Somashree Das, Rajashree Das.


The Scheduled Tribe in India shares about 8.6% of total population (according to Census 2011) accounting a larger section of marginalised communities in India. The locational inaccessibility and remoteness along with the social marginalization creates impediments in their socio-economic development. As education is considered as the primary concern in any development process, here an attempt has been made to identify their backwardness in accessing education. Although several efforts have been made from government side, an acute deficit in their educational development is found here. Through understanding the innate failure of different education policies in improving their educational status, this study attempts to explore the issues and the interrelated factors in their livelihood that creates constraints in accessing education among them. The results have been drawn here through studying the level of education among the tribal households in some selected villages in malwa plateau region. Household survey has been conducted in six villages of malwa plateau and purposive sampling has been drawn in selecting the tribal household to understand the experience of educational backwardness among these people. Disparity measures have been attempted here to analyse the pattern of supply and demand side constraints in achieving education in spatial and temporal context. Asymmetric power relation in society proliferating educational backwardness among them has been observed here. The results show the intrinsic absence of proper education facilities as well as under-serving and un-serving of existing educational facilities in these tribal areas that intensify the disparity in educational development compared to other privileged sections.

Key words: Educational opportunity, Scheduled tribe, Marginalisation, Malwa Plateau Region.

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