Sleep disorders are conditions that are characterized by the disturbance of the usual sleeping pattern or sleeping behavior. These disorders cause distress and result in impairment of day function as they affect social activities, work, and driving. Sleeping disorders can appear as complaints of abnormal movements during sleep, insufficient, or excessive sleep. The most prevalent sleep disorder includes insomnia. The present review discusses the diagnosis of sleeping disorders based on their classification and treatment of insomnia. We obtained the articles included in this review through an online research process using scientific websites and several keywords. The articles were selected based on inclusion criteria. There were 12 articles included in writing the current review; the review was written under titles in the discussion part. The sleeping disorders are classified according to many classification systems. International Classification of Sleep Disorders, Third Edition is the most common classification system. Insomnia is the most prevalent sleeping disorder; it can be treated with non-pharmacotherapy and pharmacotherapy.
Key words: Sleep disorders, insomnia, classification, dagnosis, treatment