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Enhancement of palmar advancement flap: A simple modification

Oguz Kayiran, Ercan Cihandide.


Background: Distal fingertip amputations with exposed bone is challenging for the surgeon to manage. In order to reconstruct a good sensate pulp with appropriate closure, various flaps are advocated in the literature. Of these, palmar advancement flap, first described by Moberg in 1964, comprises one of the most popular options.
Methods: Thirteen patients (11 male, 3 female) with fingertip injuries were operated. Following the elevation of Moberg flap, proposed modifications were carried out. Joint mobility and pulp sensitivity were recorded as well and advancement scores were noted before and after the modification. These scores were assessed statistically.
Results: No complications were noted and there was no need for additional surgery. Excellent joint mobility and pulp sensitivity were maintained. This modification showed a statistically significant improvement in the advancement (p

Key words: Enhancement, Moberg flap, modification

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