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The influence of female literacy on the sex ratio in Indian states

Anil Shetty, Shraddha Shetty.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Son preference has resulted in a lopsided sex ratio in India. There is also an interregional variation in the sex ratios among the states.

Aims & Objectives: This study is conducted to evaluate the influence of female literacy on sex ratios through three decades from 1981 to 2011.

Materials and Methods: Data from the past four censuses were analyzed to determine the decadal change in female literacy and sex ratios in 24 states and the results were utilized to determine the impact of improving female literacy on the sex ratio in the states.

Results: Female literacy in India improved from 29.85% in 1981 to 65.45 in 2011. In the same period the sex ratio improved from 934 to 943. The change in sex ratio and female literacy rates in individual states however is not uniform and there is significant regional variation.

Conclusion: Female literacy has a positive bearing on the sex ratio and states which have a higher literacy rate show faster movement towards gender parity. Therefore higher the female literacy rate in a state more is the improvement in sex ratio for every percent further rise in female literacy.

Key words: Sex Ratio; Female Literacy; Indian Census

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