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Botulinum A toxin utilizations in obstetric palsyAtakan Aydın, Zeynep Hoşbay Yıldırım, Ahmet Biçer, Feride Bilir, Gönül Acar, Safiye Özkan, Meral Özmen, Metin Erer. Abstract | | | | Objectives: Obstetric palsy is the term used for the clinical conditions caused by the traction injury of the brachial plexus during delivery. During nerve regeneration process, cocontraction may occur around shoulder and elbow muscles and cause contractures and movement limitations. Diagnosis of cocontraction can be made by clinical observation and electromyografic workup and for therapy botulinum A toxin is utilized in addition to physyotherapy. The aim of our study was to determine the effects of utilizing botulinum A toxin on upper extremity functions of the cases with obstetric palsy who had cocontraction causing limitations on particular functions clinically.
Methods: In this study, we presented our obstetric palsy cases who had cocontraction around shoulder (47 cases) and elbow (75 cases) and botulinum A toxin was performed for therapy.
Results: According to Mallet classification, shoulder abduction score increased from a point 2.51 to 3.35 (minimum score 0 and maximum score 5); elbow flexion score increased from 1.21 to 3.13 (minimum score 0 and maximum score 5) and the difference was statistically significant (p
Key words: Obstetrical palsy, cocontraction, botulinum toxin